Azure Machine Learning: A Walkthrough to Know the Platform Better

  • Cloud Services

  • Published On September 6, 2018

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A business might be on the verge of implementing machine learning in the organization’s operations. However, there might be some challenges that might hold it back in adopting the technology in their business practices. The roadblocks include data collection as it is scattered in entire infrastructure of the organization and storing it a single unit of silo are some of the common bottlenecks that a business has to overcome prior to implementing the technology in the business.

This is where Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning platform come into the play. In this article, we shall be talking about the following parameters of Azure Machine Learning platform.

  • Azure ML Platform -Solution to all your machine learning chagrins
  • What makes Azure Machine Learning Platform So Unique?
  • Algorithms
  • Classification
  • Regression
  • Clustering
  • Benefits
  • Access the data from anywhere at anytime
  • Enhanced business agility
  • Cost-effective

Azure ML Platform -Solution to all your machine learning chagrins

Microsoft brought Azure machine learning platform to the market to allow businesses to have their own ML flow that can collect data, cleansing, processing, feature engineering, and training ML models as per the nature of their business. The platform allows organizations to overcome the challenges they might face in deploying and implementing machine learning. Azure ML platforms deliver comprehensive ML services with an additional benefit of cloud. The services offered by Azure ML platform enables its associates to develop a data-driven application, providing predictions and forecasting to end-users to improve the various business processes.

What makes Azure Machine Learning Platform So Unique?

The reason that makes Azure Machine Learning so popular among the organizations is the fact that it’s easy to deploy. Also it delivers many features that make the system exceptionally smooth and swift. It allows users to collect data from a wide array of data sources along with direct data connection with sources like Hive, Query, Azure SQL, on-premise data sources, and many more. It enables data experts with the flexibility of creating ML models using R, while Python for processing of data along with many well-known algorithms in a drag and drop manner, which can easily be configured directly into the system.


Azure Machine Learning Platform is powered by some of the state-of-the-art algorithms developed by Microsoft’s research team to derive regression, clustering, and predictive scenarios providing the organizations with the edge over its competitors.

Let’s have a look at some of the algorithms that power Azure Machine Learning platform;


In order to determine the category, type, or class of an item or row of data, Azure ML Platform uses the classification algorithm. The algorithm can be used to classify email filters as spam or junk, categorize customers by the tendency to respond to sales campaign or identification of the sentiment of the customer as positive or negative.


This algorithm particularly allows the Azure ML platform to predict the value of product demand, sales figures, and marketing returns as it forecasts the future by estimating the relationship between variables.


With the help of iterative techniques Clustering algorithms allows the Azure ML Platform to group cases datasets into clusters of similar characteristics. The algorithm is used in various machine learning tasks like anomaly detection, clustering of text documents, and analysis of dataset prior to using classification or regression algorithms.

But, why should organizations go for Azure Machine Learning Platform? What are the benefits that this ML platform can offer to businesses? Let’s take a walkthrough of the benefits that Azure Machine Learning Platform offers to the organizations.


Access the data from anywhere at anytime

As the business expands, the data needs more space to store itself, long gone are the days when files were kept on a single server or on a single system. Azure Machine Learning Platform allows the stakeholders to access the data from anywhere at any given point in time. This offers an interacting view of business-related data powered by data visualization through mobile access in just matter of time. Azure ML is a fully cloud-based solution relieving companies from lengthy implementation processes along with the comfort of accessing the data reports from anywhere and on any device.

Enhanced business agility

Azure ML platform allows the business to make smarter, more precise and timely decision based on facts and data instead of guesses and intuitions. It also allows the organizations to get deeper into the collected data and uncover the key insights that will enhance their business processes and decision-making.


Azure ML platform provides cloud data analytics solution ensuring the operating expenses are kept to the minimum. Huge capital investments and upfront fees can be eliminated and replaced with small monthly payments.


Mostly, building data models are not the only challenge faced by the companies willing to implement machine learning platform. They also face challenges like data preparation, structuring, sorting and so on. With Azure Development Machine Learning Platform businesses can leverage the benefits of easy implementation, customized modeling and easy access to data from various silos making it one of the favorite machine learning platform in the market today. Contact us for customize Windows Azure Development Services.

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