Talking About Business Benefits of Drupal 8 Website Development Over Drupal 7, Drupal 7 Development has been very popular in the web world. Keeping up with the success of Drupal 7, Drupal 8 comes with more than 200 new features and improvements. The world’s leading content management platforms is now back with countless features for enabling you to customize and deploy your content to the web. So, if you think Drupal 7 was user friendly, speedy and had just the right features to benefit your business, you got to look at what Drupal 8 has to offer!
Drupal 8 has brought with it a whole new world of awesome features. It has given new light in the way which content management systems are perceived. It’s packed with all that you would require in today’s competitive world to stand out. With powerful content customization features, simpler configuration tools, increased efficiency and lots more new capabilities for mobile devices, Drupal 8 brings a lot of good stuff in the web world.
Businesses can leverage from its leaner core and easy migration from previous versions as well as its multilingual capabilities to target a global audience with great efficiency. Drupal, over the years has proven to be the most advanced, scalable, and secure open source content management system. Its popularity roots from its flexibility and ability to accommodate future changes in terms of your business growth which you can do if you hire open source developers.
Built to be responsive!
Drupal 8 is not merely mobile friendly, but it has responsive design built in. The themes are responsive and to add to it, this new version comes with admin pages that snap to the size of mobile devices too! That’s how effortless it is! It offers a new administration experience which is lightweight, mobile first and has features like “back to the site” button to go to the front end page. Businesses now need not have a separate plan for mobile friendliness.
Built to be Multi lingual
Talking About Business Benefits of Drupal 8 Website Development Over Drupal 7, Businesses who target a global audience can take advantage of the Multi Lingual capabilities of Drupal 8. You can easily translate anything and even get software translation updates directly from the community. Multi lingual support applies well to all including installation screens, translating views and more!
Built for efficient configuration management
Drupal 8 has a file system like structure and logic for configuration management system. This makes it very easy to migrate the changes to production environment for new content types, fields, or views. Version control can be used for your configuration and your config data can be kept separate from production data – that’s the beauty of this new and efficient configuration management system.
Built in Web Services
Businesses get the facility to create mobile apps with Drupal as the data source. Other than this, you can implement Hypertext Application Language (HAL), expose content as JSON or XML, authenticate a client with HTTP authentication, or expose views-generated lists as services and lots more.
Built for effortless Authoring
Editing is simplified like never before. Drupal 8 has an improved editor functionality with a CKEditor WYSIWYG editor. The features include in place editing of the content and saving as draft made easy too.
Built for Fast Theming
Twig a new theme engine was introduced in Drupal 8 which is flexible, fast and secure. Designing beautiful websites with beautiful themes is made easy with the new release.
Built with better mark up
Talking About Business Benefits of Drupal 8 Website Development Over Drupal 7, The power of HTML 5 is used to make Drupal mobile friendly. Industry standards inclusion would imply that it now has native input tools on mobiles for date, e-mail, and phone.
Drupal development is a growing and it’s important that you select the right content management system for your business. It’s not at all necessary that you know Drupal Development. You can easily hire drupal developers to set it up for you or upgrade your existing systems!
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