Enterprise Application Development using Symfony Framework

  • Symfony Development Services

  • Published On July 8, 2014

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Talking About Enterprise Application Development using Symfony Framework, Better website design that also includes SEO friendly sites, needs a lot of time and efforts from a development and design perspective. Developing a good website is not just about a good user interface. It entails a lot more characteristics that include server side operations and security concerns too. PHP is one of the most popular web programming languages. PHP is known for it’s interoperability with HTTP Servers and a wide range of database interfaces.

With Symfony framework, PHP web development is made easy, fast and better. Symfony assures you that you can develop apps that fully comply with the business rules, can be easily maintained and upgraded without interfering with functionalities.

With Symfony, you can easily reuse generic bundles, you are not tied to develop entirely on Symfony as it follows the MVC (Model View Controller) mode of enterprise web application development.

Why Symfony for Enterprise Level Application Development

There are so many known PHP frameworks out there. Why should Enterprises choose Symfony?

Well, Symfony has successfully delivered the best applications for various sectors such as community sectors, social networking sectors, content management, online auction, online invoice etc. Symfony is a perfect project management tool for small and large projects. It can be easily managed and configured and Managing tasks, people, customers get easier in enterprise level applications. Some of the best and popular sites using this framework are Snippet, Steer CMS, Askeet, PlanCake, Limetracker, Yahoo bookmark, travel bug, w3counter.com etc.

Talking About Enterprise Application Development using Symfony Framework, Symfony came to existence in 2005 and to supports all the latest from PHP – even PHP 5.3. It has a huge community of users and contributors. More than 550 people contributed to the Symfony core and the community was over 1,600 bundles for the full-stack framework. It also has many annual dedicated conferences around the world and has a huge fan following user group.

Here are the top reasons to select Symfony for your website development needs

Flexible Architecture

Symfony provides for an easy way to create web services. Using the power of MCV components, Symfony can enable you to separate logic and the user interface. This makes testing easy and fast.

Low Maintenance

Symfony has low maintenance overhead. Symfony development builds customized, robust applications for all kinds of enterprises, as well as enables developers full control over the configuration i.e. one can customize everything. Symfony includes a collection of tools that help programmers to unit test, debug and document development process in order to match enterprise specifications.


Symfony provides Symfony developers everything that they expect from an open source framework. It provides ample space for building flexible solutions. It provides great performance parameters and reusable components. Some features include such dependency injection from the Java world. It has a web debug toolbar which has helped programmers in a productive way.


Symfony plays a big role in building applications to meet various business needs. Symfony also allows using certain software building blocks such as translation management, dependency injector, form management, etc. It also respects the existing PHP standards like The PHP Unit, naming conventions for classes, etc. It has interoperable features and uses external software building blocks like Swiftmailer.


Symfony is extremely useful as it renders applications for all sectors such as intranets, public sites, community sites, social networks, management and workflow applications, etc. Examples of hundreds of sites and applications of all sizes and of all types that trust Symfony is Yahoo,Opensky.com, Dailymotion, have been supported by this framework.

Talking About Enterprise Application Development using Symfony Framework, With Brainvire’s Symfony consulting services, Entrepreneur can experience a powerful platform deployed optimally for high-performance, reliability, increased revenue generation while balancing the overall operational costs. Contact us to hire symfony developer for Symfony Development Services!!

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