Epic Software Application Mistakes A Developer Should Never Repeat!!!

  • Software/Software Application Development

  • Published On September 16, 2013

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Software application development itself is a complicated and tedious process to go through. Developing a functional software application has never been a walk on the moon for the developers, it involves tons of different processes. There is no denying that most of the organizations outsource their software application development requirements to get it done in a professional way, but not all of them achieve desired success. What could be the reason behind it?

Well, there are very common mistakes that project managers or even laravel developers often commit while developing a software application. In this post, we’re going to cover some of the epic software application development mistakes committed by the developers, which a newbie software developer should not repeat for effective and successful career in the IT field.

Here’re the most common mistakes every newbie developer should avoid while developing software application:

. Lack of well-defined methodology

It is totally foolish to start developing iPhone applications without forming any kind of methodology, specific rules, best practices and well-planned tasks. However, you can find plenty of developers who directly start developing applications without defining any project development methodology. Defining or establishing a project methodology from the day one is very critical for the success of your application development venture.

. Lack of desired tools to track bugs and errors

The days are gone when developers were using conventional spreadsheets and word documents in order to keep track of requirements, project tasks, bugs within the application and so on. Such tools have become a history. Today, you can find plenty of project management tools that can easily help you track each and every project aspects such as bugs, errors, tasks allotment and so on. It would become easier for the entire development team as well as for the clients to manage the projects smoothly.

. Not following the coding standards

Many developers don’t follow the coding standards and best practices while writing a code for an application, which may make it difficult for the other developers or person to make any later on changes within the application as per the client requirements. Therefore, it is important that you follow the best practices to code your application in order to make it easy for other developers to make necessary changes within the software anytime, anywhere!

. Multitasking

This is something that most of the developers think that they can easily do multi-tasking, but in reality, they can’t! One should never assume that he/she can perform multi-tasking while developing software applications for the first time as they have to learn a lot of things, which may require a lot of time and efforts.

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