Fine Tuning Your .Net Application For Performance In Production Environment

  • .Net Application Development

  • Published On November 3, 2014

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Talking About Fine Tuning Your .Net Application For Performance In Production Environment, When you decide to use .net application development for your business applications, it’s also necessary that you take into consideration the practical implementation of the application in a production environment. The development environment and production environment are very different, and it’s not possible to simulate or even imagine the various production environments for the purpose of testing. It may not be possible to fine-tune your application in one go. However, this article provides you with a few pointers to consider while fine-tuning your .NET applications.

Fine Tuning Your .Net Application For Performance In Production Environment

  • Understand the dependencies

It’s a good idea to understand the dependencies that your application will have in the production environment. There are many components that come into the picture, user connections, server connections, and networks. So, get a larger view of your application’s functionality and then decide which part of either the code or some external factor that requires fine-tuning.

  • Understand reasons for latency – prioritize the fixing of the ones that have maximum impact

To understand the impact of application latency, it’s important that you understand that a slow running application will ultimately impact your business. Break down the application’s functionality as per your business transactions. Understand how users interact with the application and what processes they invoke. If a piece of code is slow in a test environment but is minimally invoked in production, fixing it can be at a lower priority than the ones that have a direct impact. Spend your time on the components that matter and dramatically change the production scenario. In short, without analyzing your application in a production environment, you will not know where the pain points are. Don’t let your development efforts go in the vein by “imaginary” scenarios and re-doing the code again and again that will have less impact in production.

Talking About Fine Tuning Your .Net Application For Performance In Production Environment, The point here is to prioritize what you will fine-tune and what you can do without.

  • Entire business affected by latency? OR part of it?

Next, you must also check whether the application latency has an impact on the entire business or just some portion of it. This will help you better understand the part of the code that needs fine-tuning and the external factors if any, that need to be adjusted.

  • Database transactions

Some production environments for applications, have a backend SQL database, transactions either store or retrieve data from these databases. So, ensuring that the round trip to and from the databases is not the one that’s making your application slow, is a good place to analyze.

  • System Resources

Finally, you must analyze how your application uses system resources. There are limited resources that your application can use at a given time. But the business transactions are always concurrent. It’s easy for the application to exhaust system resources. Analyzes the application performance and system resource utilization and the correlation will give you an idea of what you need to fine-tune to make the application deliver the right performance.

Talking About Fine Tuning Your .Net Application For Performance In Production Environment, On a closing note, ASP.NET development can be a daunting task to test if you keep imagining and simulating. To get a better picture, a practical approach will always help. Understood, that it may not always be feasible but, it gives you a vivid picture of what your application will face once it’s live. Fine-tuning it then will give you better results and lesser re-work…!

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