Google Rolls Out A Major Update To Search Engine Algorithm A Day Before Its 15th Birthday!

  • Internet Marketing/Online Marketing Tips

  • Published On September 28, 2013

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Just a day before its 15th birthday, Google has quietly retooled the closely secured formula running its internal search engine it gives a better answer to the rapidly growing complex questions posed by the internet users. On Thursday, Google announced a handful of new updates to the company’s search algorithm that the company named “Hummingbird”. According to Amit Singhal, a VP at Google said that the new algorithm is going to affect almost 90% of all searches, and has been in a place for about a month!

The recent changes introduced by Google will have a huge impact on the traffic to the sites. Hummingbird brings a few of the most dramatic changes within Google’s search engine as it will totally change the way google was indexing websites a few years back at the time when Google introduced “Caffeine”.

Any changes or manipulation in Google search rankings can have sweeping ramifications as they steer most of the traffic that come over the internet. The changes could also drive up the cost of Google ads associated with search requests if websites whose rankings are degraded under the new system feel they have to buy the marketing message to grab the attention of the potential users or traffic.

With the Hummingbird update, Google is trying to keep pace with the evolution of internet usage. While the search engines get more complicated, conventional Boolean or keyword based systems start getting worse because of the need to match the concepts and meanings in addition to the words.

Now, Google has disclosed the existence of the totally new search formula on Thursday at an event that was held at the Garage owned by Larry Page and Sergery Brin. Google’s recent innovations and updates to its search  engine haven’t received any major complaints from the websites across the world. It means the changes introduced by Google has not resulted into any radical reshuffling in the way websites are ranked in the search results.

The primary goal of introducing Humminbird is to give a better grasp to the Google search engine to understand concepts instead of a few words. Do you think your website rank got affected after this update? Is it higher or lower? Well, it will not change as of now! However, you can share your experience or views on this in the comments…!

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