How have the major social media sites faired in the year 2013?

  • Internet Marketing/Online Marketing Tips

  • Published On February 13, 2014

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Social Media websites have gained a lot of traction in the past few years. To be very specific, Pinterest showed a dramatic growth to a 70 million active users within just three years! Twitter, Facebook and Google+ keep expanding their social boundaries and Twitter today has the largest penetration in The United States. With Instagram having over 150 million active users and LinkedIn with a stunning 240 million seem to be on a way towards rapid growth. Undoubtedly, Facebook seems to have the largest number of active users – upto 1 billion!

Social media websites are a place where people all over the world interact and socialize on common grounds. Professional networks such as LinkedIn have enabled interactions between businesses and created opportunities for all those seeking business relationships. Take a look at how social media websites have faired in 2013.
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