How Personalization Impacts Customers’ Shopping Experience Journey?

  • Android Application Development

  • Published On October 25, 2016

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How Personalization Impacts Customers' Shopping Experience Journey

“Just For You,” this message has become so generic for today’s customers that in every the one in two message they get the same content. Although the message is a result of breaking the generic trend, but nowadays people are so accustomed to personalization trend that it appears to be so common to them.

It’s true. Businesses, be it B2B or B2C have understood that personalizing the customer’s journey is a way to make customers happy and deliver a unique experience that differentiates their business in the crowd.

Of course, businesses cannot stand out with the one-size-fits-all solution. They have to act smartly with some intelligent ways. See what they are doing:

The personalized marketing by targeting the customers with contextual content is the approach that makes customers feel special. For instance, an apparel Ecommerce is sending the message to the customers based on the demographics and purchase history will surely give a personal touch to the customers.

Another solid reason for turning towards personalized marketing is the customers move to the digitization that provides a lot of customers’ data.

However, the personalization journey is not easy-peasy. The number of roadblocks comes in between such as legacy technology, data handling, getting value out of the data, various data silos and fewer data. When the Ecommerce mobile app development is integrated with geo-location services, GPS services or iBeacons, the problem grows by three folds.

These are very crucial aspect if not implemented properly, then they can be dangerous for the brand reputation and customer’s experience. It implies there is an urgent need to align the marketing with IT services to deliver better customer experience.

But, still, the personalization services often challenge the IT efforts. Let’s see how:

Caching- The caching improves the speed at which users requests are responded. But, caching the content would be of less use as the content has to be tailored according to the individual users.

Complexity- The personalized applications generally have connections with other third party services or data sources to customize the content, which adds in complexity level.

Variation- Every customer’s journey is different and to make it more personalized, we need to include the real-time feedback, multiple data lookups, and heuristic analysis. This increases the response time.

Speed- With more variation and increased complexity, the number of users requests responded per minute will definitely get impacted. Consequently, the slower responses during high traffic.

According to a leading survey, “The increase in response time by 0.5 seconds will reduce the conversion rate by 11%.”

Surprisingly, the performance of the personalized application will even impact the conversion and the bottom line.

So, how you can get most out of the personalization strategy? The answer is customer insights.

Take a glance how the customer insights are essential in the personalization journey:

With digital devices, businesses have the macro information about the customer like- for how long customer stay on a page, which features they have browsed, where they stopped navigating the app and pretty more.

When the valuable information is captured, quantified and analyzed, finding what customers actually want becomes a breeze. This data help in understanding the customers experience at the granular level and assist in driving personalized marketing campaigns where the tailored and contextual content is sent to every customer that can turn the table.

Ensure one important thing that’s the customer experience is closely tied to the macro data, and it should be correct. Otherwise, cart abandonment, negative feedback, poor user experience and decrease in sales would become the outcomes.

Well, sometimes, the poor data also help in understanding what’s improperly placed or what significant concern are bringing the poor results and ROI is going downwards.

The anatomy of customers personalized journey when comprehended perfectly can bring the winning upshots to the retailers or Ecommerce.

Jump on the personalized bandwagon only when the app development precisely gathers and get insights out of the data smartly that will help you to enhance the merchandising decisions.

The last word…

Certainly, an Ecommerce website has millions of customers and expecting to run personalized marketing campaign or customizing the whole customer’s shopping journey of every individual is not plain-sailing. As huge amount of data get accumulated, then handling and getting accurate insights out of the data is an arduous task.

Partnering with a best Ecommerce development company can help you to personalize the customers’ journey. The investment in personalization would really pay off.

The benefits that will always stay with you like:

– Improved customer engagement

– Enhanced customers experience

– Tracking pain-points becomes handy

– Easy to analyze every decision

– Increased sales and ROI

All in all, personalization will bring success and keeps you ahead in the digitization race.

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