Talking About Integrating Solr Search With Symfony2 Development, Undoubtedly, Symfony is a widely used open source web application framework written in PHP for building enterprise-level applications. The Symfony 2 Development helps businesses to develop robust and functional web applications and business solutions of any complexity. Today more and more businesses are inclined towards Symfony 2 developments it brings a whole host of innovative and useful enhancements for the developers as compared to the earlier versions.
According to the recent Google trends, Symfony2 is getting high momentum and many businesses and developers are now rapidly adopting Symfony2 development for developing complex applications smoothly and effectively. Symfony2 is basically built around standalone and decoupled components and a full-stack framework based on those components. As Symfony2 is mainly built around namespace it gives benefits of building an application in a structured manner.
But of course, the search is a huge part of a site and offers a way for people to find relevant information quickly. However, Solr Search is a great way to implement search and can help to achieve and manage search results in a limited period of time. Being a Symfony application development company, we possess the necessary expertise on Symfony2 and have developed robust and scalable applications having huge complexity.
What is Solr?
Talking About Integrating Solr Search With Symfony2 Development, Solr is basically an open-source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling. Providing distributed search and index replication, Apache Solr is highly scalable.
Solr delivers a rich feature set including but not limited to:
- Faceted navigation
- Hit Highlighting/dynamic teaser GEO search: filter & sort by distance
- Spell check & auto suggest
- Advanced ranking and sorting
- Distributed and replicated search
- Structured/unstructured search
- Rich plug-in architecture
How does it work?
Apache Solr can be housed in a cloud or in its own server which allows for fine-tuned and dedicated search hardware. During a web configuration, the data from the site in XML format is sent to Solr via HTTP and Solr creates its own database for the site and indexes the data which can be updated according to a schedule or triggered when changes are made.
The data is then queried by the web server using HTTP GET. Solr uses the Lucene Java search library to search its own database and its response format is configurable. It returns results in XML, PHP, JSON, and other formats. The results inform the web server what to push to the browser. Also, there are lots of bundles available to integrate Solr with Symfony2 and one such bundle is “NelmioSolariumBundle” which is very easy to use and integrate with Symfony2.
Through Symfony2 Solr Integration, you can leverage the following advantages:
- Advanced Full-Text Search Capabilities
- Linearly scalable, auto index replication, auto failover, and recovery
- Optimized for high volume web traffic
- Faster search performance with Solr
- Solr supporting indexing & searching for multiple sites
- Better Indexing of content
Talking About Integrating Solr Search With Symfony2 Development, Apart from these, you can also leverage from replication with Solr in order to improve the performance of your site. Thus with Solr, a search with 60,000 records sorted by relevance requires only a few milliseconds of time to complete the task. With an excellent basic search facility, Solr is capable of indexing tens of thousands of documents with disconcerting performance. Contact Brainvire a leading development company for Symfony Development Services !!
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