Some Interesting Facts about Android Application Development

  • Android Application Development

  • Published On November 9, 2013

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Some Interesting Facts about Android Application Development

Talking About Some Interesting Facts about Android Application Development, Undoubtedly, android application development is the most preferred platform among the mobile application developers that brings new and exciting opportunity to create innovative and interactive mobile applications. Android the most recognized and popular open source stack includes operating system, middleware and key applications along with the asset of API libraries for creating unique mobile applications that can change the way we use mobile phones.

Android the widely used operating system offers new possibilities for mobile applications by offering an open environment built on an open source Linux Kernel. It is believed that approximately 700K android apps are currently hovering on the internet and downloading of the android apps crossed nearly 25 billion mark. With a simple and powerful Android SDK, no licensing cost, excellent documentation and wide android developer community, the Android Application Development platform offers an excellent opportunity for the mobile developers to design and develop a wide range of android apps and generate high revenue for their business.

Let’s see some of the interesting facts that android application development has that others don’t.

Google Maps for Mobile
The Google Map Application has been highly popular and android apps offers Google Map App as a reusable control for use in your applications. The map view widget display, manipulate and annotate Google map within your activities to let the mobile application developers build map-based application using the familiar Google maps interface.

Share Data & Enhanced Communication
Talking About Some Interesting Facts about Android Application Development, Using content providers and intents, android application development platform let your apps perform processing and share data, exchange messages etc. This mechanism can also be used to leverage the data and functionality provided by the native android applications. To mitigate the risks of an open strategy, each application’s process, files, data storage are private unless explicitly share with the other applications using full permission based security mechanism.

Peer-to-Peer Messaging
Android apps offer P2P messaging that supports instant messaging, inter-device and inter-application communication process.

Background Services and Applications
Background services helps in creating applications that use an event driven model and work silently while the other applications are being used or while your mobile flashes or vibrates to get the user attention. It might be an application that tracks the stock market alerting you to some significant changes in your portfolio or a service that changes your ring tone or volume depending on your current location, time and the identity of the caller.

Android Platform let you create all the Application Equally
Android platform doesn’t differentiate between the native applications and those developed by the third-parties. This gives the user an power to change the look and feel of their device by letting them completely replace every native application with the third-party alternative that have access to the same data and hardware.

Talking About Some Interesting Facts about Android Application Development, As mobile devices are growing in number, the android application development presents an exciting opportunity to create and develop innovative mobile apps exploring each and every facet of this amazing platform.

So, what’s your stand on this? Leave your views in the comment box below…!

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