Proven Strategies To Boost Your Organic CTRs For Better Search Rankings

  • Digital Marketing

  • Published On May 7, 2021

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Proven Strategies To Boost Your Organic CTRs For Better Search Rankings

One of the most effective ways to reduce digital marketing spends while increasing sales is to generate more qualified clicks from your existing content. In other words, promote increasing click-through rates.

What is the Click-through rate?

Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of the number of clicks on a call to action to the number of times the link was exposed to people.

Why is CTR important?

CTR is an important metric because it allows you to gain a better understanding of your customers. It tells you what works when you try to reach your target audience. A low CTR may indicate that you’re targeting the wrong audience or that you’re not speaking their language convincingly enough to entice them to click.

Increasing your CTR will also allow you to allocate your marketing budget more efficiently, as you will be able to generate more sales with the resources you already have. The best part is that, unlike paid advertisements or social media ads, increasing your clicks is costless.

Here are a few easy tips to boost organic Click-through rate:

1.Include the year in your title tag

One of the most effective ways to increase your CTR is to update your title tag by including the current year. Google favors results that include year in the title, especially in industries that change frequently.  The only downside about including the year in your title tag is that you must update it not only in the title tag but also in the content itself, to reflect current trends.

The good news is that updating your content and including the year in the title tag will give you a significant SEO boost. According to one study, 60% of businesses claimed that updating old content was the most effective content marketing tactic last year.

2. Persuade your audience with On-SERP SEO

As Google strives to improve its user experience, an increasing number of search results are ending up receiving no clicks. More than half of Google searches end without a click, which hurts your organic Click-through rate. The more frequently your brand appears in the SERPs, the more likely it is that someone will click on your page.

3. Make use of FAQ Markup

A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page is a collection of questions and answers about a specific topic. Properly formatted FAQ pages are eligible for a rich result on Google Search which can help your site reach the right users. Even if you aren’t at the top in the SERPs, FAQ markup allows you to capture more space in the SERPs. It resembles Google’s answer cards, but instead of pulling answers from various websites, it only pulls information from your website.

4. Use descriptive URLs

There is a lot of evidence out there that suggests a descriptive URL is important – and it makes sense. Always optimize the slug while creating new pages, and if you need to completely change the URL structure of your website, do so in an SEO-friendly manner. 

5. Optimize your meta description

More than 60% of the meta description is rewritten by Google. However, this does not imply that it serves no useful purpose. Inadvertently, the meta description is a snippet that summarises your content, so it is an opportunity to include your highest ranking keywords in your content. Effective meta-descriptions can increase CTR by nearly 6%. So it would be great to optimize your meta description with keywords.

6. Use appropriate keywords in your title

Including the highest-ranking keyword in the title can help improve the SERP. This is due to the fact that most search engine crawlers look at titles first. Furthermore, the title of your web page or blog will most likely be part of the URL, which means your URL will also contain your most important keyword and will help you rank higher. According to research, including keywords in your URL can boost your ranking by more than 40%.

7. Keep your content concise and to the point

No one wants to take the time to read the lengthy text in today’s technology-driven world. If your content is long and winding, your visitor will not read it all the way through. 

If you’re wondering how to increase your organic CTR, one strategy is to keep everything short, from your title to the rest of your content. This allows the reader to skim through and quickly grasp the idea you’re presenting. 

Furthermore, shorter and crisper titles are more likely to pique the reader’s interest than longer ones.

8. Use Google search console

Before writing content, most people use keyword research tools. Few people go back and make changes to their posts after they’ve been published. While we do our best to select keywords for which the post has a good chance of ranking well in search results, the reality is that many pages end up ranking for keywords for which we never intended them to rank.

You can improve your CTR by taking a variety of steps. By improving your overall ad campaign, you will increase your CTR, resulting in more conversions. 

Our Digital Marketing services can assist you in developing an effective marketing strategy. When you work with us, you will be partnering with an experienced team that understands how to create content that increases your CTR. If you’re looking for an eCommerce SEO Company to boost your CTR and increase conversions for your company, contact us online to speak with a strategist.

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