Brainvire Will Be At Shoptalk 2022 This March! Will You?

  • Retail Omnichannel

  • Published On March 8, 2022

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In a world of constant changes, the retail sector stands at the cusp of a digital transformation. In 2022, global retail sales are projected to go up from $23.6 trillion in 2019 to $26.7 trillion. 

According to a Deloitte report on retail this year, “The next 12 months offer opportunities to restructure outmoded supply chains, rightsize inventory management, review pricing, recalibrate promotional cadences, and reinvent the physical store for the digital age.” 

In other words, the retail market must take up the challenge of renewing itself to meet the needs of the modern consumer. How will retailers live up to this challenge, and what do they need to do in order to achieve that?

What this needs is for retailers to adopt pathbreaking ways of thinking and brace themselves for the long haul. And these substantial shifts cannot wait for later; this is happening now. 

If you are part of the retail industry, you need to equip yourself with and leverage the latest industry knowledge and tools. Brainvire has been participating in the most important industry events across the globe to offer state-of-the-art retail solutions to retailers. It recently marked its presence at NRF Big Show and eTail West. 

ShopTalk is one such event — where thousands of retail changemakers will gather to consider the future of retail. 

What Is ShopTalk?

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Shoptalk gives you the opportunity to be an active contributor to the thriving retail sector ecosystem. As per its official description, “Shoptalk is where the entire retail ecosystem comes together, both in-person and online, to create the future of retail based on the latest trends, technologies, and business models.”

ShopTalk is the perfect platform to learn about the latest technologies, business models, and trends in the retail sector. It will also address the rapid technological and other transformations in the sector and offer insights into consumer behavior. 

The exciting event will see large retailers and branded manufacturers, startups, tech companies, investors, media, and analysts come together to learn, network, collaborate, and evolve.

ShopTalk is an annual event that takes place in Las Vegas. It is a one-of-a-kind event where individuals and companies gather to be a part of reshaping the consumer journey. 

5 Reasons Why Shoptalk Is The Place To Be This March

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  1. A thriving platform for stakeholders in the retail ecosystem: ShopTalk provides a platform for large retailers and branded manufacturers, startups, tech companies, investors, media, and analysts to learn, network, collaborate, and evolve. 
  1. Over 100 groundbreaking sessions: ShopTalk promises a wealth of knowledge on multiple aspects, significant insights, and varied perspectives in the retail sector. 
  1. Illustrious speakers: You can expect to hear from the industry leaders and innovators across a wide range of companies — from established retailers and brands to innovative new startups and a multitude of investors.
  1. Shoptalk Original Content: Get access to ShopTalk’s independent research, data and industry insights, visual guides, benchmarking studies, and frameworks.
  1. Networking and Collaboration: At ShopTalk, networking opportunities abound. Additionally, you will get ample opportunities to voice your opinions. You get to mingle among a large and diverse network of peers and potential new partners. 

Brainvire Will Be At Shoptalk

At Shoptalk, you will also get a chance to explore Brainvire’s innovative, omnichannel tech solutions for the retail space. With Brainvire, you have the opportunity to leverage retail business opportunities with an omnichannel experience. 

By integrating innovative technology and implementing revolutionary business strategies in both physical as well as digital retail environments, Brainvire provides end-to-end smart retail solutions.

Brainvire’s offerings have ensured retail success for a host of retailers across the globe. Our ecommerce solutions address operational challenges, streamline business processes, reduce costs and improve ROI. 

Our retail competencies comprise of the following:

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Retail ERP Development
  • Lead Management System
  • Intelligent Inventory Planning and Management System
  • Retail Loyalty Program
  • Mobile Commerce
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Vendor Management System

Brainvire’s ecommerce developers and programmers offer ingenious solutions to help you develop a online store that is adaptable, ubiquitous, and interactive. As a result, many clients have achieved great results by choosing Brainvire as their ecommerce development partner, and that too in a cost-effective way. 

You can check our case studies and portfolios here.

Consumer expectations have been on the rise, and 2022 is no different in that regard. It is a fact that brands need to brace themselves for the future because it is already here. 

They need to be paying attention to several factors, including better in-store experiences, personalized and engaging experiences – online as well as offline, seamless experience integrated across all channels, latest technologies, and transparent business practices. 

Amidst a plethora of changes, here are the aspects that are becoming mainstream as 2022 promises to bring back the action in retail. 

  • If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that when it comes to shopping, customers look for a seamless experience. Irrespective of where and what they buy, whether they shop online, on social media, or use live-streamed videos, shopping needs a be an interruption-free experience. Two words to sum it up — omnichannel CX. 
  • Online shopping is an integral part of omnichannel CX. In a Gartner survey, 95% of retail CEOs mentioned that they “planned to increase investments in digital capabilities.” However, companies need to ensure seamlessness between physical and digital retail. According to a Forbes report, “2020 and 2021 were the years of quick adoption, 2022 is the year of buckling down and doing it right.”
  • Transformation in inventory management is critical to being a future-ready retail industry player. 
  • The modern consumer expects personalization rather than looking at it as a speciality. Therefore, it has become a requirement for retail success, and brands cannot afford to lose out on this trend.  
  • The live shopping trend seems to be picking up. And the new-age consumers are more inclined toward personalization, along with human connection. A safe connecting space in real-time is lifestyle-defining while also being suitable for the existing lifestyles. 

With these trends ushering in an inevitable transformation, the retail industry is on a mission to deliver the best possible customer experience. Yes, the post-pandemic era is primed for a promising future, and retailers are working towards making more customers happy with innovative solutions. Fill out this form, and our experts will get back to you within 24 hours to take your business to the next level.

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