The Best Fitness Apps You Should Look out for a Healthy Fit Lifestyle

  • Mobile Application Development

  • Published On June 7, 2016

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Fitness and perfect shape are the two most desired things that every wants to have in the presently busy lifestyles that are prone to fast foods and instant unhealthy food eating habits. While there are many fitness centers, dieticians and gyms to help an individual looking to plan out his/her diet for weight loss and constant fitness, there is nothing like having a fitness app handy in your own mobile device to keep a check of diet, training and workouts on regular basis.

Mobile Apps Development for Fitness & Health Industry

Mobile apps development is influencing every industrial sector today compelling the businesses to go mobile for better outcomes. Fitness and health industry is no exception to this. Today, doctors and fitness clinics are opting for mobile apps in order to enable better services to their clients by reducing the communication gap between them. Not only clinics, doctors and fitness centers, even individuals can benefit from mobile apps for fitness that are straight available from the app stores.

How can Fitness Apps help Individuals?

Mobile apps development for fitness can offer several advantages to their users like tracking of calories intake, calories burnt through workouts, time spent for work outs etc. Many of these mobile fitness apps even suggest diet plans to the individuals based on their weight loss goals and body metrics like weight, height, age, BMI etc. Not only for weight loss goals, these fitness and diet planning apps can be very useful for those who wish to control medical conditions like diabetes, low or high blood pressure etc.

The Best Fitness Apps of 2016 to Look Out for

1. BodyLab:

BodyLab is the ultimate fitness app for those looking to plan out their diets and workout schedules for their daily routines. All that the user has to do is to enter answers to only a few questions and the app suggests them a relevant diet plans according to their needs from which the user is required to choose the one that suits them the best. The app has notifications enabled to intimate the user about his/her plan for daily activities and thus helps the user to get with the fitness plan well. Maintaining fitness and ultimate health becomes a lot easier with this mobile app for fitness. The app is built using PhoneGap and is available on both iPhone as well as Android app stores.

2. 7 Minute Workout:

This is good fitness app for those looking to make up with their workouts so that they can burn more calories out from the short burst of workouts. This app shows interval training workout poses and demonstrations helping the users to burn calories really fast and sweat in a very short interval of time. The app suggests 12 easy-to-do workouts to the user which he/she can practice using only a chair and a wall.

3. Diet Assistant:

Diet assistant is a great mobile app for those looking to track their meals and exercise routines for a balanced weight. One of the interesting features of this app is customizable shopping list feature that enables user to make their shopping lists before itself and plan their meals in advance.

4. Nutrition Menu:

Now you can always ensure that your food that you eat fits into your diet plan well. This can be done either ways – whether you are eating at home or eating out at a restaurant with family or friends. This mobile app can keep track of what all you eat or ate and hence, helps you keep control on your carbs or calories intake in order to support your weight loss goals. This app can also fit into diet planning requirements of those who wish to control their medical conditions like diabetes etc.

Similarly, there are lots of mobile applications for health and fitness available all over the internet and app stores. Every app has its unique set of features and offerings and may not suit the needs of every user. Hence, a user should initially make out what they want from the app and then check out for various apps available in the app stores by testing their features on a trial basis. This will allow in selection of the most suitable app for the user best inclined to his/her needs.

However, in order to eliminate all the long process of app selection, one can even go for custom mobile application development for their own intent needs. Individuals as well as the fitness centers or workout training firms can hire experts for the mobile app development process to support their needs. These experts will have the knowledge of developing fitness apps based on various technologies and fitness requirements.

If you want to develop a mobile app for fitness like BodyLab, then experts of Brainvire can help you out. For more details of the app Click here.

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