User Acquisition Tips for Mobile Apps

  • Mobile Application Development

  • Published On November 10, 2015

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User acquisition is an important strategy for gaining revenue from mobile apps. In today’s world, where there are so many applications already available in the app stores, it’s tough to get users for the new apps. Hence, only mobile application development is certainly not going to help. Any firm that wants to beat the tough competition with good apps targeted to major mobile platforms should also make it a point to build an effective user acquisition strategy because after all, it is users for whom the apps are created and it is only the users who can raise the bar of an application by giving it best positive reviews. However, the job is not completely done with user acquisition, once the users are acquired it is really important to make the right strategic moves to retain these users for better advantages.

This article presents a guideline for those who are unaware of the strategies for user acquisition and retention for improving the popularity of the mobile apps and also increasing the revenue generation from the apps.

1. Solve a Problem to Drive Word of Mouth Referrals:

Just build an app that can solve the common problem of the majority of the users and do it in an awesome way. For example, consider that you need to reach somewhere really urgent and do not have enough time to wait for bus, just use the Uber app and call a taxi instantly. So, when you are building apps that solve real-time problems of the users, you can drive the word of mouth referrals for your apps which have just amazing impact on building the app popularity.

2. Plan a Referral Program:

You can just intimate your early users about your new application launched and just give them good incentives to refer these apps with their friends and relatives. Many mobile apps these days are doing these in order to spread their popularity.

3. Use Social Media Channels and Forums:

Today, social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc., have become the most important sources of marketing. Hence, it would be the most effective way to post about your app here and let the socially active people know about it. Discuss with users on various features and topics regarding your app on various technical forums available on the net. This could probably educate the users about your app and hence, there are best chances for these users to get converted into your loyal customers with time.

4. Other Effective Ways:

One can make their paid app free for a short promotional period of time to attract user base to their app. Writing effective content like blog posts, eBooks, webinars etc., and posting them on popular platforms will help your app reach the target audience.

Apart from these common methods, there are even individual app-specific methods for user acquisition. Let consider an example for this. Consider you are opting for mobile application development for creating an app like that of Uber then following are a few methods that you should be considering for user acquisition for your app.

Uber has been winning users through its free rides strategy. The company has tied up with youth entertainment channels on popular media like Youtube for winning users. So, you can follow the same strategy with little differences in order to drive the attention of the users for your app similar to Uber. You can reward for referrals to friends, give free rides for app installation, tie-up with other entities like airlines, bars, restaurants etc., and try to bundle your services with them and much more similar things can help you promote your app as well as business altogether for better profits.

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