In the present scenario where organizations want to reach out to the maximum audience possible, cross-platform mobile apps turn out to be a boon. With these kind of mobile apps, a business can easily turn out to different mobile platforms for brand identity development and sales, that too at least possible costs and greatly minimized efforts. Yes, the concept here is to develop mobile app for a specific platform and then share the single code base with others for rapid and easy development. The time required and cost overheads are significantly reduced with cross-platform mobile application development as compared to the elongated process of developing applications individually from scratch to target every mobile platform.
Companies today are in requirement of apps which can seamlessly run on every mobile platform irrespective of variety of devices. Earlier this concept was not so affordable and next to impossible for the small businesses to consider. But now as advancements are happening in technology, better tools are available for rapid development of mean stack apps that are supported on different mobile devices. These are the cross-platform mobile apps development tools. There are number of such tools available for the need but the most widely used are PhoneGap, Sencha and Titanium Appcelerator. Let us now compare and see various aspects of these popular tools for cross-platform app development.
- Phonegap for Developing Cross-Platform Apps:
PhoneGap is the most popular tool for cross-platform apps development in the present times. One of the best features of PhoneGap is that it is an open-source framework that enables rapid transformation of any web application to Android or iOS specific native app. PhoneGap application development is easier as it supports simple technologies like Jscript, HTML5 and CSS3. Therefore, there is no need to learn complex programming languages for developing apps using PhoneGap. This tool helps in the development of only mobile apps and hence, supports all the major platforms like iOS, Android, Symbian, BlackBerry, Windows and Palm. The support for various APIs enables API developers to tap in the built-in features of various devices.
- Sencha Touch for Platform-Independent Applications:
Sencha Touch enables developing mobile web applications. However, many developers occasionally use it for developing regular web pages as well. With magnificent features like MVC support, UI components library, an extensible API and UI themes, this mobile application framework enables creating awesome web applications that almost like the native mobile applications. The tool supports magnificent platforms like Android, iOS, Blackberry and Tizen. It allows rapid development of HTML5 based mobile applications and hence, is among the highly popular tools used today for development of cross-platform applications. The Sencha Touch community with open support forum offers extensive support required for the developers for efficient development.
- Titanium Appcelerator:
Titanium Appcelerator is just a great platform if you want to develop apps for both Android and iOS at the same time. The unmatched performance offered by Titanium based apps can acceleratae time to market for these mobile applications. It supports various programming languages like JavaScript, node js development, HTML5, CSS3, PHP and Python for development of mobile-based apps. This is just the right tool for those wanting to develop high-performance apps with minimum difference to those of the native ones. With a single Jscript codebase, one can easily develop cross-platform apps with Titanium.
Hence, all of them have their own features and hence, one can choose any of these tools for right and apt cross-platform application development suitable to their needs.
Contact Brainvire a leading PhoneGap App Development Company for your Phonegap Application Development requirement.
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