
The client has spearheaded numerous spiritual missions and led their millions of followers onto the path of enlightenment. At present, the mission is actively spread across the globe in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. It includes over 250 centres of spiritual excellence that are moulding the youth and children and shaping a brighter future for them. The societal service activities encompass health, education, welfare of children, women, the tribal community, and emergency relief care. They approached Brainvire for a web platform-cum-ERP solution so that they can connect deeply with their global audience.

Project Highlights

Organizations that are committed to serving the society consists of many stakeholders and complex financial dealings in the form of funds and external donations. Brainvire's team studied all of these aspects in detail and chalked out an ERP project implementation plan. The automated solution streamlined the client’s accounting machinery while adhering to local taxation policies. A mobile application was also a part of this project that could stream content such as live webinars, podcasts, audiovisual clips, seminars and much more. Ultimately, the operational efficiency of the client was improved significantly post launch of the solution.

The Challenges

  • Variable Accounting Rules
    Social organizations are governed by a different set of financial regulations.
  • Streaming Spiritual Content
    The spiritual content had to be streamed in an engaging manner.
  • Web Enhancements:
    The client wanted their web portal to make an everlasting impact on the audience.
  • Standardization of Decision-Making Process:
    There was a lack of organizational hierarchy and standard operating procedures (SOPs) in the organization, which interrupted in the decision-making process.

Tech Stack

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    Control ERP Solution


  • 100% Automation of Accounting Processes

    The accounting and tax reporting processes were automated completely.
  • Over 2 Million Hours of Audio Listened

    Devotees have accessed the huge repository of spiritual content and listened to high quality audio tracks on the web portal.
  • 200K+ Subscribers

    The web portal has a registered subscriber base of nearly 200K and this number is increasing rapidly.
  • Complete Transparency

    The ERP solution has helped to establish SOPs that are relevant to the client’s business processes, thus bringing in transparency in the entire workflow.
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