Making the website that load insanely fast is the key thing that every business expect.
Yes, 2 to 3 seconds of the website loading time is considered as best and delay of a second could make the situation worse. What’s the worse it will create?
The traffic volume gets reduced, users’ retention gets impacted and negative reviews about the website is spread, and that’s truly eviler.
This made most of the businesses to count on PHP and nearly 80% of the websites using PHP as a server side scripting language to garner the best ever performance.
To keep abreast of businesses’ needs, PHP constantly upgrades the versions, framework, libraries and a lot more.
The latest release of PHP- upgraded PHP 7 is packed with interesting features and bring along many benefits for the enterprise application development.
So those who are battling with site performance issues, it’s likely to upgrade the website to PHP 7 OR begin PHP 7 development. At the same time, the very next question that’s hitting everyone’s mind is what’s so special in PHP 7 or how PHP 7 is decreasing the site load times.
Let’s shed some light over PHP 7 update that claim to be twice as fast as its previous versions:
1) Improvement in execution engine:
The in-built Zend engine that’s known for interpreting PHP language is power up with JIT execution capabilities to allow the dynamic compilation of Zend opcodes into native machine instructions.
The refactoring efforts made over Zend engine (PHPNG- PHP next generation) make the PHP 7 compatible with HHVM and boost the performance.
2) Reduced memory usage:
It’s widely known that the high memory utilization slow down the site performance. PHP 7 consumes half the memory while processing and handling of the requests, which in turn enable the small machines to better handle the request alongside the micro services development.
Also, the abstract syntax tree implementation optimizes the memory usage, which increase the performance like no other.
3) Opcode caching:
The opcode caching is built-in in the PHP 7. PHP executes machine codes per opcode using virtual machines. Every time, when a request is made, the file has to be parsed and the parsing is made faster in PHP 7. Still, parsing the PHP file upon every request is not good, that’s where opcache saves the compile code in the memory.
When the same request is made, the data can be loaded at speed from the cache and enables efficient utilization of the memory that ultimately enhance the performance.
4) Changes in the data structure:
A lot of changes are made in the data structure such as object-oriented exceptions is brought in place of obsolete error handling to make the process of finding and fixing the bugs easy, new syntax features are added that make code writing enjoyable, and generators are upgraded that execute and return the error-free output following the iteration.
All these changes, improved the data structure and impact the site performance with reduction in memory consumption and management.
What’s the future?
Great performance has become the benchmark of the PHP 7 release that has created a lot of buzz in the market. This led the businesses to embark on the journey of migrating the PHP earlier versions to PHP 7 or PHP 7 development to reap the unmatched performance benefits.
The stable version is making the websites powerful, secure and high performing that enable businesses to offer better experience and service to the users.
Don’t hang fire! Begin PHP 7 development to reduce the site load time and increase traffic volume, leads, conversions and sales.