In this web world, where new platforms are emerging out to enhance the web development, PHP is evergreen and it will always be developers' choice. However, there are various frameworks when it comes to PHP. Out of so many open source frameworks that are used to build websites and web applications using PHP, CodeIgniter is gaining popularity these days.
CodeIgniter, one of the best application development frameworks is a toolkit that helps the coders and programmers to build websites and web applications using PHP. If you are living into the web world where you have long list of clients along with tough deadlines and if you are looking out for a simple framework that makes the coding easier and quicker, there is no better choice than CodeIgniter framework. It rich set of libraries, logical structure to access them and simple interface helps you get it done faster. CodeIgniter also lessens the amount of code needed in your project.
The CodeIgniter framework development is one of the wisest choices today for web applications development because it is easier, faster and more reliable as compared to other frameworks. It is something that you can modify it as per your needs and requirements. Also, it is lightweight and capable. Of course, there are other options when it comes to frameworks, but the exceptional performance of CodeIgniter will definitely want you choose it.
The developers of the custom CodeIgniter web development are fond of this framework because of not only the above mentioned benefits, but also a lot many other features. It works on the model view controller based system and has got fully featured database classes for a lot of platforms as well as active record database support. Other features include form and data validation, session management, localization, security and XSS filtering, pagination and data encryption, to name a few. Some more benefits are benchmarking, full page caching, error logging, flexible URI routing and search engine friendly URLs. CodeIgniter has also got amazing email, image manipulation and security features which make it really easy for developers to work.
The best thing about CodeIgniter is that, it is extremely easy for web developers to learn it, adapt it as well as deploy it. It simplifies the PHP syntax making it easy for you customize it, and that too not affecting other functionalities, making it easy to streamline the code. It is developed on easy to use folder structure and provides an effortless management. Other amazing things about CodeIgniter are easy documentation and integration as well as wide spread user base. It utilizes the modular programs in the best way and is compatible with most of the web servers, operating systems and other platforms. Moreover, it is well known for its performance as well as presentation.
In short, it helps developers to build spontaneous and proficient websites and interactive web applications. So, if you are planning to build a website or web application with hassle free framework that lets you code efficiently and effectively, you must definitely go for CodeIgniter.