
The client owns a foundation that works towards the basic reality of restoring equality and mutual respect for all genders in their sexual regions. This provides persons to discuss their sexual intimacy and take consent for the same. This helps the users to get saved from regretful consequences. The client approached Brainvire to develop its website and mobile app for both Android and iOS.

Project Highlights

Brainvire’s team crafted a marketing website for the client as front end and a web application for backend. The WordPress based front-end UI displays about-us information, contact-us page, and briefing. Plus, it’s integrated with social media, too. The Symfony based back-end web application gives the dashboard, data management, and profile settings for admin. The mobile application is available at both iTunes and Google Play stores. Once both the parties log in to the application, the camera surface view starts with a text on the splash screen. The video between both the parties gets recorded, converted in text using wit.ai and gets uploaded to AWS (Amazon Web Services) server. Whenever the user requests for the specific video, the request goes to admin. And after admin verifies it, the user can have it. Plus, the app is equipped with profile settings, contact us, about us, and Help/FAQ pages

The Challenges

  • Client didn’t want to spend high on cloud system
    The application required a video uploading to cloud server. The choice was AWS (Amazon Web Services), but it was charging high and the client was not ok with that pricing. So there needed an alternative.
  • Compacting video to text using Speech-to-text tools
    In order to save space at cloud storage, the app was required to have a speech-to-text conversion. Since the app is all about videos only. It was on high priority to have an efficient speech to text conversion mechanism.
  • Two different technologies
    The client wanted a backend of marketing website to be separated from it. This needed to create a different application (possible a different technology) for the future purpose.
  • No performance degradation in case of heavy loads
    The application itself is about the trust factor. So a higher security was needed. Plus, there shouldn’t be any performance hassles in terms of speed and other elements when millions of users are logged into the app.

Tech Stack

  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos



  • First of its kind

    Created on the basis of providing equality and respect, this app has become the first of its kind ever.
  • Hugely widened user-base

    The high demand for such app resulted in quite a good number of user joins in quite short time.
  • Great monetizing benefits

    This paid app fetched many eyeballs and ultimately quite good revenues were noted in little time only
  • Great support in terms of legal issues

    In case of the non-consent blame, the app helps the user with recorded detail to battle legal issues.
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Client Review



Partner - Consentsy

Email opt-ins have improved, including a 28% increase for one of the redesigned sites. Despite a workplace time difference, Brainvire's communication and workflow created a smooth partnership and a successful project.

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