
The company is Asia-Pacific’s largest loyalty program manager. They have a wide array spread above 125 clients. Alongside, they work for over 10,000 stores across the region. They approached Brainvire to streamline their leads with retail store development and yield productive outputs from them.

Project Highlights

The client has multiple sources channeled to its system and hence wanted an effective solution to filter them. Our developers integrated their system with the latest CRM tool that analyzes, qualifies, and nurtures quality leads. With this integration, the company now has a systematic lead management process and this has increased customer engagement.

The Challenges

  • Java-based application:
    The company realized the need for a robust and speedy application.
  • Poor customer engagement:
    Poor engagement had a direct impact on the business and hence it was important to resolve this issue.
  • Slow follow-up leads:
    Delayed follow-up process resulted in poor customer engagement.
  • Restrictions for bulk upload:
    The company faced several restrictions and had to follow a mundane process.

Tech Stack

  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos

    .Net core

  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Azure cloud

  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Ocelot API Gateway


  • Real-time notifications

    We proposed the implementation of automated notifications so that the company obtains real-time notification updates.
  • Better customer engagement

    Automated notifications and quick follow-ups together increased customer engagement for the loyalty points provider.
  • Increased loyalty points

    A surge in customer engagement boosted the ratio of loyalty points for the company.
  • Improved lead management

    The advanced CRM tool integration segregated quality leads from the pile and hence the company witnessed improved lead management.
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