Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises

  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises

Success Stories

Transforming shopping experiences for brands across the world with customized IoT Development Services

IoT App Development Services

Brainvire offers multiple IoT app development services, including consulting, mobile and web app development, and firmware integration and development. 

IoT Consulting

IoT Consulting

Get one-stop IoT consulting solutions with Brainvire, where we help you out with everything from building or augmenting your IoT abilities, testing IoT product ideas from scratch, scaling IoT products, and even optimization of native apps. 
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IoT Firmware Development and integration

IoT Firmware Development and integration

We design, create, and test IoT firmware based on microprocessors and microcontrollers. When developing firmware, we give the highest priority to security. Board support packages, network connectivity, device drivers, power management, etc. are some of our core firmware services. 
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IoT Product Development

IoT Product Development

We can assess the project and provide a firm quote once the deliverables, scope, acceptance criteria, and specifications are all well-defined. Small- to medium-sized projects with well-documented specs are best suited for this.
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Embedded Software Development

Embedded Software Development

In order to include smart devices into Internet of Things infrastructure, collect sensor data, transmit it to the cloud, and do data analysis on a device in edge and fog computing deployments, Brainvire provides firmware and embedded IoT Software Development. We are proficient in microcontroller programming and DSP.
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IoT Mobile and Web Apps

IoT Mobile and Web Apps

We provide native and cross-platform mobile apps as part of our IoT app development services, enabling you to access data produced by smart devices while on the road and serving as remote controls for IoT systems. 
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PoC and Prototype Development

PoC and Prototype Development

Our vision is to invent market-ready solutions that can increase the success of your business. The goal of our hardware prototyping and design services is to engineer new ideas and shape them using cutting-edge technologies.
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IoT Data Analytics and Visualization

IoT Data Analytics and Visualization

Real-time interactive charts and graphs help with data visualization, while data gathering is enabled from IoT devices alongside. We analyze this data to help you obtain invaluable insights for your business. We also offer customised dashboards and reports on IoT data for various user roles (managers, data specialists, etc.).
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IoT Dashboards

IoT Dashboards

Brainvire enables you to remotely and on-site manage cyber-physical systems, configure Internet of Things devices, analyse sensor data using BI tools, and display the results in interactive dashboards. Predictive and preventive maintenance systems, web-based HMIs, and other products are in our range.
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IoT Custom Software Development Solutions We Offer

Here are some exclusives in terms of custom IoT software development that you can expect with us.

Industrial IoT Solution

We enable advanced and helpful industrial IoT solutions that are tailored to help you gather, exchange, analyze, and leverage data with ease.

We enable advanced and helpful industrial IoT solutions that are tailored to help you gather, exchange, analyze, and leverage data with ease. 

  • We come up with custom IoT solutions that help you with production, manufacturing, and supply chain management
  • Some of our solutions include smart metering, fleet management, predictive maintenance, asset monitoring, and warehousing management for OEMs and companies
  • We automate manufacturing procedures and track high-value assets, while integrating smart abilities to analog equipment for enhancing production capacity with industrial IoT development services

Consumer IoT

Smart wearables, smartphones, smart home appliances, and other connected gadgets intended for the consumer market that gather and exchange data via an internet connection are referred to as consumer IoT (CIoT).

Smart wearables, smartphones, smart home appliances, and other connected gadgets intended for the consumer market that gather and exchange data via an internet connection are referred to as consumer IoT (CIoT).

  • Count on our IoT development experience to build consumer IoT solution that track your customers’ physical activity and well-being
  • We add convenience to their homes, offices, cities and surroundings 
  • We have extensive knowledge of web, mobile, cloud, embedded, and hardware design

IoMT Solutions

Driven by cloud storage and connected devices, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has a transformative impact on the healthcare industry.

Driven by cloud storage and connected devices, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has a transformative impact on the healthcare industry. 

  • It enables remote and routine tracking of patients and healthcare treatments
  • IoT technologies like device-to-device communication and device-to-cloud communication enable better delivery of digital health services
  • These technologies also help manufacturers of medical products tap data for enhancing drug management, while being able to easily gather and disseminate the same to remote teams

Healthcare IoT Solutions

Healthcare IoT solutions are steadily bringing about a major transformation with telemedicine, real-time tracking of data, and predictive maintenance of equipment.

Healthcare IoT solutions are steadily bringing about a major transformation with telemedicine, real-time tracking of data, and predictive maintenance of equipment.

  • IoT-driven solutions can enable better telecare or monitoring with remote consultations coming in handy during emergencies
  • Medication management is made simpler through IoMT features like medication usage tracking, reminders, and more
  • Wearable devices, connected medical devices, and patient wellness apps also combine to offer multifarious benefits throughout the entire ecosystem

Smart Homes

Choose Brainvire to develop Smart Home solutions that sync with other devices and apps.

Choose Brainvire to develop Smart Home solutions that sync with other devices and apps.

  • Safeguard user data
  • Maintain firmware updates 
  • Enable Alexa, and provide a flawless user experience through simple setup procedures and intuitive interfaces

Smart Retail Stores

Smart Retail Store solutions give businesses the ability to improve customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and obtain insightful knowledge about consumer behaviour.

Smart Retail Store solutions give businesses the ability to improve customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and obtain insightful knowledge about consumer behaviour. 

  • Enhancing product recommendations
  • Streamlining inventory control
  • Personalising shopping experiences are all possible with the use of this data

Smart Asset Monitoring

In addition to giving you more control over your gear and equipment, IoT-enabled Smart Asset Monitoring solutions also improve the following:

In addition to giving you more control over your gear and equipment, IoT-enabled Smart Asset Monitoring solutions also improve the following:

  • Customer experiences- They are improved with real-time monitoring and insights on patterns and trends
  • Operating Costs- We help you lower them as much as feasible, enabling greater control over your finances
  • Productivity- We look to harness smart asset monitoring solutions to identify anomalies and undertake preventive measures. This helps enhance efficiency and productivity

Smart Facility Monitoring

Our Smart Facility Monitoring solution is made to satisfy the needs of contemporary businesses.

Our Smart Facility Monitoring solution is made to satisfy the needs of contemporary businesses. 

  • Their requirement for real-time, unified, and networked areas
  • IoT-driven features can guard against future expenses
  • Guarantee the value of your valuable assets

Smart Generator Monitoring

We deploy IoT to enhance the reliability and quality of your power generator. With smart tracking solutions, there are several insights that you can unearth.

We deploy IoT to enhance the reliability and quality of your power generator. With smart tracking solutions, there are several insights that you can unearth. 

  • Get real-time data on critical attributes of generators like fuel reserve, power output, anticipated run time, and so on
  • Use a one-stop smart tracking dashboard to view information easily
  • Plan activity as per steady electricity/power supply while tracking anomalies and taking preventive action to combat breakdowns

IoT For OEMs

You may create products that are not only more valuable and efficient but also enable high-value services and features by designing components, devices, and products that can interface with a range of digital tools, systems, and solutions.

You may create products that are not only more valuable and efficient but also enable high-value services and features by designing components, devices, and products that can interface with a range of digital tools, systems, and solutions. 

  • These intelligent gadgets gather and send data, allowing for real-time industrial operations monitoring, analysis, and control
  • Integrating sensors and connection into goods and equipment to transform conventional manufacturing methods
  • Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are able to monitor their gadgets and offer improved customer assistance
  • 700+

    eCommerce Projects

  • $10M+

    Daily Transactions

  • 800,000+


  • 500+

    B2B Clients

Rely on Brainvire for Advanced IoT Development Solutions.

Rely on Brainvire for Advanced IoT Development Solutions.

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Our Suite of IoT Connectivity Solutions

When it comes to connectivity, we make sure that you don’t lag behind anytime.
  • Wearable Device Integration

    When it comes to integrating wearable devices, we bring fitness trackers and similar products into the equation, thereby enabling easier access to user data and invaluable insights based on the same.  

    • As an Internet of Things development business, we provide greater connectivity solutions 
    • We leverage IoT sensors and advanced technologies to transform how wearables are used. 
    • We offer different cooperation arrangements based on your IoMT initiative’s development level.
  • BLE Integration

    Utilise standard interfaces, including BLE and IoT, to establish communication with diverse hardware.

    The business can give client interactions.
    We also offer precise data, and increase return on investment with the assistance of the proximity-based BLE device solution.
    We installed an IoT-enabled, Bluetooth-integrated autonomous dockless bike.

  • NFC

    These days, smart sensors are being added to other gadgets including smartphones. 

    • It enables short-range communication between compatible devices. 
    • Usually, a connection is established at a distance of 4 cm or less. 
    • When combined with Near Field Communication (NFC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, these sensors make interacting with Internet of Things (IoT) devices easier.
  • IoT Gateway

    IoT gateways are used to transfer data over Wi-Fi or a wired LAN from one device to another. 

    • It is useful with usually ones that is far away 
    • It is helpful for creating communication between gadgets that aren’t able to be physically connected.
    • Aggregates data from multiple devices.
  • 4G LTE

    Comparing fourth-generation (4G) wireless standards to third-generation (3G) technology, LTE (Long-Term Evolution) offers faster and more capacity networks for mobile phones and other devices.

    • LTE is designed for lower latency 
    • It is known for increased bandwidth
    • Better penetration and wider coverage
  • GSM

    We use GPRS, GPS, and GSM to track assets around the world. 

    • It can be used for field service management, industrial optimization
    • Used for fleet management, logistics and  asset security
    • Beneficial for personal safety, and the study and preservation of animals.
  • Ethernet

    Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and RS-232/RS-485 bi-directional transparent data transmission can be realised by the IoT Gateway. 

    • Working information can be assigned via Web Server or setup software with a straightforward configuration. 
    • Offers a wired communication technique that uses an Ethernet switch to link many IoT devices together.
    • All those IoT devices can have IP connectivity by connecting the Ethernet switch to an IP router.
  • Cloud Enablement

    By using cloud enablement, we may assess the current state of an organization’s IT infrastructure. This can be done before designing, implementing, and managing all or a portion of its internal software, hardware, and IT infrastructure in a public, private, or hybrid cloud. 

    • The migration of servers, operating systems, databases, business apps, and more can all be included in a cloud enablement project.
    • In Internet of Things systems, cloud computing functions as the main hub for data handling and storage.
    • offers the resources and infrastructure needed to efficiently handle, store, and analyse this data.

Smart IoT Product Development Services- What We Offer

Smart IoT product development becomes a lot simplified at Brainvire. Here’s what we offer in a nutshell.

Connected Devices

We offer solutions for creating new business models that generate operational efficiencies and top-notch customer service in cars, trucks, or heavy machinery. Our solutions combine fuel efficiency, protection, and mobile and home automation.

Connected Vehicles

Environmental conditions for the storage and transportation of goods that are susceptible to changes in humidity, temperature, and other factors are monitored. It is employed in dispatch management, adaptive cruise control, transportation route planning, driver activity monitoring, and vehicle maintenance control.

Connected Products

Smart industrial products with control apps. Complicated consumer goods that connect smart objects, manage apps, and let users access apps through a central monitoring system. Simple smart consumer goods include workout equipment and home appliances.

Connected Commerce

Provide a smooth, individualised customer experience on a digital platform that adapts to changing demands at all points of contact for customers, both online and offline.

iBeacon Integration

Apple unveiled iBeacon, a Bluetooth communication protocol, in 2013. Through the use of iBeacon, devices such as smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets can be programmed to perform certain tasks when they approach an iBeacon-transmitting device, also known as a beacon.

Smart Buildings

Smart buildings are the pinnacle of contemporary invention. These build environments that are not only extremely functional but also efficient and sustainable by seamlessly fusing cutting-edge technology with classical architecture. 

Big Data Management

With our expertise and understanding in embedded computers, sensors, wireless and wired connection, our IOT development firm creates embedded devices. As a result of the volume of information being generated, data analysis and storage are crucial.

Flexible APIs

Magento’s extensive range of APIs facilitates seamless integrations with various third-party applications, payment gateways, and services. This flexibility empowers businesses to create a cohesive and efficient eCommerce ecosystem.

Magento Commerce Cloud Services

Enjoy the benefits of scalability, flexibility, and performance optimization with our Magento Commerce Cloud services.The cloud ensures that your online store can handle increased traffic, product listings, and transactions without compromising performance. Additionally, Brainvire conducts regular security audits, data encryption, and compliance with industry standards to protect your Magento stores hosted on the cloud. The automatic updates further guarantee that your store is on the latest version.

Magento Security and Backup

Brainvire conducts thorough security audits to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats with robust data encryption methods.

Our IoT Development Process

How do we go about the process? Get an idea below.
  1. Research and Ideation

    This starts from the inspiration/idea to the creation of a scalable prototype.
  2. PoC Design and Development

    We help you with the proof of concept (PoC), thereby putting you on the right path.
  3. Deployment and Testing

    We undertake testing with teams across the system in order to ensure performance.
  4. Maintenance and Support

    Our comprehensive evaluation of IoT devices covers detection and resolution of possible problems.

Leading IoT Platforms We Work With

Here’s taking a closer look at some of the platforms that we work with on multifarious projects.


With the help of AWS IoT, you can create and implement solutions that increase business value, securely connect and manage devices, and gather and analyse device data.

Google Cloud IoT

Connecting, storing, and analysing data from IoT devices at the edge and in the cloud is made possible by Google Cloud IoT.

MS Azure IoT

You may connect, monitor, and control your IoT assets at scale with the Azure Internet of Things (IoT), a group of cloud services, edge components, and SDKs that are managed by Microsoft.

IBM Bluemix

IBM's Open Cloud Architecture is implemented using the Cloud Foundry in BlueMix. With Bluemix, developers can leverage an increasing array of available services and runtime frameworks to quickly build, deploy, and manage cloud applications.

Want top-notch IoT solutions? Brainvire experts are just a call away!

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Modern Solutions Enabled through IoT Software

Wondering how contemporary efficiencies can be unlocked via the right IoT software? Here’s a guide below.

Predictive Maintenance

By identifying trends in operational data, IoT solutions let you anticipate and address problems before they arise. You can lower expenses and production faults by having fewer incidents.

Real-time Data Analytics

A subset of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) databases, real-time analytics databases are made especially for quick, intricate, and massively parallel searches on datasets with sizes ranging from terabytes to petabytes.

Remote Solutions

With the help of Internet of Things (IoT) remote monitoring, you can keep an eye on and remotely control devices and data. It is an invaluable resource for many different industries since it provides real-time insights, boosts productivity, lowers expenses, and strengthens security.

Connected Devices

We offer solutions for creating new business models that generate operational efficiencies and top-notch customer service in cars, trucks, or heavy machinery. Our solutions combine fuel efficiency, protection, and mobile and home automation.

Industry we serve



Our IoT solutions help you with diverse aspects, right from tracking equipment health and taking preventive action to maintenance, productivity optimization, and cost savings. 

Global Brands Trust Us

With 500+ 4.8 ratings for our digital transformation services on varied e commerce platforms.

Michelle Marcial

Michelle Marcial

CEO, Food Waste Prevention Startup

In their ongoing testing of the completed work, the partner has noticed significant improvements in the quality of code and usability of the overall solution. The product no longer crashes and contains fewer bugs. The team’s transparency and commitment to set timelines added value to the engagement.

Andy Ginjupalli

Andy Ginjupalli

President, Bay Alarm Medical

The capabilities enabled by the design of the new website have saved the client an incredible amount of money and time, more than paying for the cost of the project itself and pleasing company stakeholders. The Brainvire Infotech team is creative, responsive, and flexible to changing requirements.

Jamal Al Masri

Jamal Al Masri

General Manager, Blink

The solutions provided by Brainvire Infotech have satisfied all project requirements, successfully modernizing the interface and allowing the client to continue to expand their business. Their team is hardworking and creative, adapting flexibly to changing requirements throughout the project.

Wayne Carlyle

Wayne Carlyle


Brainvire has lived up to every commitment they made. They’ve taken a very complicated part numbering system and given us a part naming convention that allows us to configure our product line.

Joey Raymond

Joey Raymond

Digital Development Manager

If any urgent needs arise, I can count on them to take care of things. Their deliverables are reliable thanks to vigorous QA testing. They are communicative, flexible, and willing to evolve to meet changing needs.

Mark Slater

Mark Slater

COO, Tent and Table

Brainvire has extended 24×7 support to Tent and Table and has always been active in resolving tickets and coming up with new ways to grow our business. We look forward to continuing this partnership for years to come.

Frank Disalvo

Frank Disalvo

Vice President, Prestige

Prestige Equipment is a global leader in the procurement and sales of metalworking machinery, fabricating equipment, and complete manufacturing facilities. Brainvire’s digital team developed a marketing plan tailored to improve brand awareness and conversion rates.

Mr. Jameson Chow

Mr. Jameson Chow

Manager, Food Bank

Brainvire’s development team was able to configure our system with minimal customizations, completing the project within a very short timeframe. It not only saved us time but also led to cost-savings. Utilizing their expertise, we were able to successfully achieve our objectives and reduce our manual workload by over 90%

Brandon San Antonio

Brandon San Antonio

COO, Matrix Warranty Solutions

The client is an insurance plan supplier offering guaranteed assurance plans for home appliances, consumer gadgets, and vehicles. Brainvire created an effective CMS using an advanced mobile app so that the client can provide the best insurance information management service.

What our Clients Say

Explore first-hand accounts of client experiences, echoing our transformative Digital Solutions.


  • How can IoT solutions enhance my business operations?

    Hardware, software, and artificial intelligence are connected by IoT to enable deeper analytics that businesses may utilise to enhance operations and identify new business prospects.

  • What are the potential cost savings or revenue opportunities with IoT implementation?

    When IoT devices are combined with sensors to maintain corporate equipment operating at maximum efficiency, maintenance costs can be positively impacted.

  • How long does it typically take to develop and deploy an IoT solution?

    We aim at enabling smooth development and deployment of IoT solutions as per your requirements, without unnecessary time lags. In most cases, the average go-to-market time is anywhere around four months to a year.  It all depends on the project length and specific project processes among other factors. 

  • Can you assist in data migration to Magento from another platform?

    Yes, we assist in data migration to Magento from other e commerce platforms, ensuring a smooth transition of your existing data.

  • What kind of hardware and software infrastructure do I need for IoT implementation?

    To send and receive data, IoT devices require a means of connecting to the internet. Communication modules that enable this connectivity and guarantee communication with the utilised cloud solutions include RFID, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, LoRa, and cellular (3G/4G/5G).

  • How do you ensure data privacy and security in IoT solutions?

    Preventing data breaches and safeguarding user data are a key focus area for us, when it comes to IoT solutions. We enable robust authentication and access control along with SSL/TLS encryption methods and regular tracking of network devices and traffic for any signs of suspicious activities. 

  • What level of scalability does your IoT solution offer?

    With our IoT solutions, you may grow from a single device to 100,000 or more without requiring the integration of many manufacturers, technologies, or service providers.

  • How do you handle connectivity issues and ensure reliability in data transmission?

    Using dependable protocols for data transfer is one of the simplest ways to guarantee data reliability. Errors, losses, and other network problems are handled via protocols that are considered reliable.

  • What analytics capabilities are available to derive insights from IoT data?

    IoT analytics extends beyond processing and organising data. It makes use of sophisticated analytics, such as machine learning, to find trends and abnormalities in the data. 


  • What are the potential challenges and risks associated with IoT implementation, and how do you address them?

    The potential challenges include IoT security, scalability, coverage, Bandwidth availability and so on. Utilise security products that offer network visibility to find out what the ecosystem includes and what the risk profiles are for different categories of IoT devices.

  • How do you handle interoperability between different IoT devices and platforms?

    Sensor-device management, remote data collection from connected services, integration with third parties and so on. 

  • What level of customization can be achieved with your IoT development services?

    Utilise security products that offer network visibility to find out what the ecosystem includes and what the risk profiles are for different categories of IoT devices.