• About
  • Key Challenges and Solutions
  • Our Approach
  • Technology
  • Key Results

About Project

The client provides sustainable solutions for health and the environment. A leader in clean water generation, health-tech, and green-tech industries, one of the company’s top products is Eternal Spring. This device can produce water from the air in any location, regardless of humidity levels. The digital healthcare ecosystem is also among the other offerings.

  • Health tech provider

  • North America


Business Goal

Our business goal was to generate product sales quickly after implementing Odoo 17. The brand aimed to amplify orders within a few weeks. For that, we enhanced sales order processes by enabling automation, streamlining processes, and implementing easy navigation and payment facilities for customers.

Project Highlights


Key Challenges and Its Solution

Accepting Customer Payments

The client needed a way to accept customer payments from the website without adding complexity.

Boosted Sales Effortlessly with Odoo 17

The client’s top priority was boosting sales and quickly transitioning to Odoo 17 without impacting current operations. We identified the gaps between the processes and leveraged our Odoo Gold status to seamlessly implement Odoo and get it up and running smoothly. Our certified Odoo professionals ensured the new system was ready to scale and facilitated faster order processing.

Displaying Terms Of Service

The challenge was to display the Terms of Service to customers before they signed the quotation.

Seamless Stripe Integration in Odoo to Empower Transactions

To streamline the customer journey and simplify transactions, we seamlessly integrated Stripe, a secure payment gateway, into the Odoo platform and even accept part payments. This powerful combination empowered customers with a smooth checkout experience while enabling efficient payment processing for the business.

Part Payment Facility

The requirement was to enable a two-step payment process for more seamless operations.

Enhanced Transparency with Pre-sign Terms of Service Review

To ensure transparency before any commitment, we implemented a system to present the Terms of Service to the customer. We enabled this before the quotation was signed, allowing them to review the terms at their convenience. By ensuring transparency, customers’ trust in the brand increased, leading to increased purchases.

Appointment Tracking

There is no way of tracking the appointments created on the website, leading to process gaps.

Automated Appointment Management

We eliminated manual data entry by seamlessly integrating the website’s appointment page with Odoo CRM. Now, whenever an appointment request is submitted, a lead automatically gets created within the system. This allowed the client to track appointments and manage leads across various sales teams effortlessly, all within the centralized Odoo CRM platform.

Our Approach

We prioritized larger roadblocks to business operations before implementing features like payment modes and automating processes, which increased sales and improved team communication.



After analyzing the requirements, we eliminated process gaps that delayed sales generation.


We integrated Stripe to accept part payments when signing the quotations and initiating shipment.


The client reduced manual efforts and errors by enabling an automated procedure of collecting part payments at different stages.


We centralized all leads and sales orders in one place with Odoo CRM to avoid missing tracking and completing orders.

Technology Stack

Project management tools

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps


Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps

Payment gateway

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps


Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps

Key Results

  • Boosted Sales

    Implementing Odoo 17 and the integrations expedited sales because of no processing delays.
  • Better coordination

    With the most updated data available to all users, all teams experienced higher coordination levels.
  • Enabled more orders

    Stripe integration allowed seamless payments on the website, facilitating more order completions.
  • Revenue increase

    No more lost leads, as the system automatically generated a lead when an appointment was requested.

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