There is a great deal of PHP Web Frameworks available now-a-days for creating excellent websites and choosing the best PHP framework for custom application development is important as it adds an element of robustness to the project. But when we talk about the most popular PHP frameworks, the first names that comes to our mind is “CakePHP” and “Symfony Framework”.
Undoubtedly, Symfony and CakePHP are both capable of developing complex applications smoothly and effectively. This is the reason why businesses all over the world prefer Symfony Application Development or CakePHP development to get robust and powerful online applications of any complexity.
While Symfony is a web application framework and is highly recommended for developing enterprise level applications which comprises of many PHP code classes for easy development process. While on the other hand, CakePHP is a rapid development framework for building scalable web applications and commonly uses design patterns like Front Controller, MVC, Active Record and more.
In this blog post, let us find out the major difference between both of these frameworks and which one is better than the other one? Let's find it out.
Symfony: By far, this is one of the best documented framework. The users as well as the developers can find tons of information on Symfony questions. The Symfony documentation is solid, tutorials are much better and also there are other groups, IRC channels etc. to explore the information you need.
CakePHP: This framework is up-to-date but not totally complete and somewhat difficult to search through. There are groups, IRC channels etc. to get the required information but there is also an extremely helpful CakePHP Google Group that helped most of the problems faced by the developers. With a stronger community presence, events and community submissions CakePHP could easily have a plenty of documentation by next year.
Core Components
Symfony: There is a ample of components in the Symfony framework and they all have a defined purpose. In Symfony, there are reusable components that are good enough to paginate, create sessions, scaffold an application, security etc. Using the components is very easy and this is one area where this framework excel.
Cake PHP: Again this is a great framework. In CakePHP the components are not limited to the core ones but can be easily extended and is very useful in creating a dynamic application. Both of these frameworks use components to help speed the application and are every helpful even to the novice programmer.
Symfony: With websites already making use of Symfony, the community is growing like a wildfire. It is a very abundant community with many developers helping and contributing tutorials, documents etc. every single day.
CakePHP: This community is rising fast to help meet the users requirements by contributing more technical documentation, tutorials, events etc.
This is the most common question for all the frameworks. How secure is it? Even though, Symfony and Cake PHP provide good methods, components and helpers to secure your application. You just have to use these and use it correctly. ACL implementations, data validation and sanitation and much more can be used to secure the application.
This is the most common question for all the frameworks. How secure is it? Even though, Symfony and Cake PHP provide good methods, components and helpers to secure your application. You just have to use these and use it correctly. ACL implementations, data validation and sanitation and much more can be used to secure the application.
To conclude, these are some of the things to decide when trying to choose a framework will help you to build great applicaitons. Some WordPress developers are of the opinion that every framework is useful but remember that the best solution to a problem is the solution that solves all of your major crux. Have more to share, then leave your replies in the comment box below.