
The client is a provider of religious mantras via a web application and the intention is to spread religious awareness. The client aims to make various mantras and shlokas accessible to the users. The client looks forward to enhancing the user's experience through various features like high-quality graphics, audios, videos, and images. And, the client also looks forward to making this application accessible for iPhone and iPad users.

Project Highlights

Brainvire’s team delivered a peerless performance with the professional team. We used mobile technology to build an application that serves the purpose of the client. The team used advanced technology to make sure the visible content is of high quality.

The Challenges

  • To Handle Heavy Graphics And Audio:
    The client wanted the application to support huge graphics and audio files.
  • No Image Repetition:
    This was probably the biggest challenge. According to one of the client’s requirements, the images shall not be repeated and they wished to maintain minimum images.
  • Synchronization Of Images With Track Time:
    To synchronize every two images keeping the time on the right track was a big challenge to the team.
  • Managing Huge Set Of Data:
    Content in the form of images, videos, and, audios contributes to the huge set of data. Managing such huge data is a tedious task.


  • Graphical user interface

    An application with a graphical user interface is the result why the application provides users the best experience.
  • High-quality presentation

    The application provides images, videos, audio clips, at a higher resolution and with high quality.
  • Efficient functioning of the application

    The functioning of the application is ensured with implementation of the right technology.
  • Real-time experience

    The high-quality graphics provides the user with real-time experience leaving a huge positive impact on the users.

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