A developer’s task is to not just develop applications, he/she also needs to focus on performance factor as well. Only those applications which are capable of giving high-performance to their users can earn popularity among the masses. This article presents a close look on a few simple steps which can help a dotnet developer to build really good ASP.NET applications that are capable of giving maximum performance for utmost satisfaction of their users. Brainvire a Microsoft partner provides business intelligence services for business owners to grow their business in the digital world.
- Use Release Build Mode instead of Debug Build for Deployment:
Always go for deploying your ASP.NET applications in release build mode rather than the debug build mode. The developers make this common mistake of keeping the debug option in the web.config to true as it is even during the deployment. Usually during the ASP.NET application development, the debug is set to true as it is very helpful to the developers for building error-free code but when development is done and application is deployed to production, always make sure that debug is set to false.
- Use Paging for Large Query Results:
Paging can be done at SQL procedure level to significantly improve the performance of ASP.NET applications as this will significantly reduce backend work on database. When done on server level, this will drastically reduce the size of the data to be sent to the client and hence, will help to improve the app’s performance.
- Use Stored Procedures:
Stored procedures when used in a proper way can drastically improve the performance of your ASP.NET application. There are two important things to consider for this – setting NO COUNT option to ON and using the “sp_” prefix for custom stored procedures. By enabling NO Count to ON, the stored procedure will not send the row count information to the client and hence, will also stop SQL server to send DONE_IN_PROC message for each statement in the stored procedure. Moreover, “sp_” prefix cannot be used for naming the user-defined stored procedures.
- Use Data Transfer Object to make Client Requests:
Using data transfer object is the best way to make a call to remote interface to satisfy a client request because in some situation in order to satisfy one single client request, multiple calls are required to make to the remote interface. This will lead to time overhead in the process. So, you use DTO pattern where all data required for a remote call will be carried in a single object and hence, time for process will be drastically reduced.
- Always Disable Tracing:
It is not recommended to keep tracing option on during the ASP.NET application development process in in progress as tracing will cause performance issues for your app. So, before you deploy your .Net application, make sure to disable the tracing option for improved performance.
- Caching is a Good Technique:
Caching is a good technique to improve performance of ASP.NET application because by enabling caching you are allowing the ASP.NET engine to return data much faster for repeated requests. Hence, unnecessary database lookups and time taking operations can be avoided thereby resulting in performance improvement for your application.
So, if you are beginner and want to develop a high-performance ASP.NET application, consider the above points and see the difference you gain by considering these simple points in your ASP.NET application development process.