You have heard it right. Yes, the BIG & Reputed organizations like NetFlix, PayPal, LinkedIn, Yahoo and others are using NodeJS based applications to improve their operations and productivity. So, what actually made these firms to go for NodeJS development rather than opting for well-established platforms like Java or .NET for the purpose? If you don’t know, then just keep on reading to brush up your knowledge as of how NodeJS can beat Java or .NET in enterprise app development.
When it comes to enterprise-specific app development, every organization whether big or small would certainly desire to go with a secure, scalable and a well-supported or say a reliable framework and runtime environment. Especially, in the large-scale production scenarios, security and scalability become the must factors. Hence, if you look at this as any knowledge IT professional or business would think of it, Java or .Net are certainly the obvious options to go for.
Java, as everyone is aware of, is known for its strong foundation, awesome threading capabilities, great IDE support, inevitable debugging features and reliable libraries support. For many, still there is no replacement to Java for ultimate programming. But, just like any other development platform, Java too has got its loopholes or downsides to get down with. Issues like development speed and legacy overheads haunt this number one programming platform when it is the question of modern and streamlined blockchain development.
Similar is the case with Microsoft .Net as well. Though well-adopted by the large-scale enterprises across the world, this doesn’t seem a good fit for many because of its restrictions in terms of the development language. For dotnet development, there are specific languages like C#, VB etc., to be used. Hence, adopting dotnet for large-scale enterprises would literally mean to alienate their large number of developers who would have the knowledge of some other development platform like Java. Hence, it would take up time and costs of the firm in training their existing resources for .Net development.
So, a better alternative to both the platforms is NodeJS.
NodeJS is already a popular technology in the market with a strong following and the good number of documentation, tools and best practices out there to implement. The technology makes it easy for the developers to get on with both client-side as well as the server-side development process because it requires the same JavaScript scripting language for both. One can easily implement the same libraries, the same functionalities or patterns for development on both back-ends as well as front-end development. Hence, this can boost up the productivity of the developers of an enterprise thereby reducing the time for development and market for the enterprise applications, which in turn can boost the enterprise sales.
NodeJS can a good reason for enterprise app development for several reasons.
- Neutral Platform:
Node.js is a neutral platform which can well be adopted by Java as well as .Net implementers who are usually comfortable working with JavaScript. They are usually aware of JavaScript syntax and can very well deploy Node.js on both Unix as well as Windows infrastructures.
- Speed and non-blocking API:
Poor performance and concurrency are the two big concerns with several server-side programming languages. But, with event driven architecture and non-blocking I/O API, Node.js can very well be used to optimize an application’s throughput and scalability.
- Enterprise ready deployment:
Node.JS has a reputation for easy, secure and scalable application development and that is one of the preliminary reasons that attract large-scale enterprises to Node.js development. The apps that are developed with this technology can be easily scaled up for futuristic needs. Moreover, the developers the firm employs can also get on easily with NodeJS app development as it would require knowledge of the only JavaScript which every java or ASP.NET developer would have. Hence, this shows that Node allows for enterprise-ready deployment of apps.
Hence, for these reasons, many large-scale and big enterprises today are opting for Node.js technology instead of Java or .Net for web and mobile application development needs. Are you too looking for the same and want to develop nodeJS app for your business needs? Then, let us know about your requirements. It is advisable for you to Hire Node.JS Developer which are highly qualified and skillful. At Brainvire Infotech, we have skilled nodeJS developers with hands-on experience into web and mobile apps development using this latest technology.