Top 7 Node.JS Frameworks – Worth To Work With!

Node.JS is the JavaScript platform that's build on the top of Google chrome V8 engine. Its capability to build scalable and real-time end-to-end web and mobile applications brought a great fame to the platform. That's the reason Node.JS enjoys the virtue of staggering millions of downloads every month.

Node.JS is a JavaScript runtime, but non-blocking input/output processing, single-threaded event looping and asynchronous feature differentiate it from other runtime environments. Node.JS frameworks speed up the overall development process in the server using JavaScript as its scripting language.

As compared to Angularjs Development, The flexibility and convenience of Node.JS frameworks enable the developers to build innovative solution at speed. Take a glance at the best Node.JS frameworks that expedite the development on-the-fly.

1) Hapi.JS

The feature and functionality rich framework is preferred over Express to build powerful applications and services. Instead of wasting time in building infrastructure, developers can directly start working on the reusable application logic and focus more on performance due to the presence of configuration functionality, input validation, caching and error handling.

2) Sail.js

The MVC architecture based framework is the developer's top choice to build customized enterprise level applications. Sail is compatible with any front strategy, provides simple data access layer, packed with auto-generate REST APIs and offers basic security, which makes it first preference to develop chat, real-time dashboards, or multiplayer games.

3) Meteor

The open source framework comes along with custom packages, well written tutorial and documents and huge supportive community that has made it undisputed king to build real time web and mobile applications. Integrated JavaScript stack enable Node.JS app development for multitude of devices in minimal coding. Plus, there is no need to wire together the disparate components because of the availability of necessary technologies and tools.

4) Derby.JS

The full stack framework works best for both client-side and server-side due to the real-time collaboration. Derby is modular in nature, so node js or hire angularjs developers can build apps just by mixing and matching codes, derby functionality and community modules using tools like npm. Designer friendly templates assemble the code into components, and precisely define live bindings between view and modules to update the view immediately when the data changes.

5) Flatiron.JS

The advance Node.JS framework help developers to build impressive web applications. It is packed with multiple components that are independent of each other which in turn power the developers to select the components they want for the project.

6) Express.JS

One of the popular lightweight web application framework features database integration, template engines, great documentation, multiple routing and supportive community, which let developers to quickly get started with a short learning curve. It also provides flexibility in using third party database, user authentication scheme, template engine and defining the project directory structure.

7) Mean.JS

Bespoke framework is favored for complex web app development as it is the bundling of different technologies- MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js. The entire stack of Mean uses JavaScript from MongoDB access to the client side with Angular that simplifies and accelerates Node JS application development.


Node.JS platform boasts to have large use cases in varied industry verticals such as retail, healthcare, logistics and education for mobile and web app development. Adoption of frameworks extend the functionality of Node.JS applications and making Node.JS a revolutionary technology. Leveraging Node.JS frameworks, you can focus on scaling your web applications and business goal.

At Brainvire, our proficient developers provide robust Node.JS development services to engineer real time and data driven web or mobile applications. Go with the flow and start app development using world-class Node JS development services.

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