
The client owns an ecommerce store offering online shopping of tires and related services. Clipping the competition of ecommerce by side, the client has a wide range of ecommerce business chain of retail and wholesale trade of tires. Based on Armstrong’s brand trading of tires, the client has the leading position in tire selling.

Project Highlights

As per the stated required features by the client, Brainvire has landed a hand to the client by providing all ecommerce functions customization. Data migration and inventory management are synced with various necessary functions that are achieved by a skilled team of Brainvire. Implementing a well-defined approach of ecommerce customization, the client was seeking for a perfect and desired solution with data migration and other needful customization.

The Challenges

  • AUD Currency Payment Integration
    The client desired for specific payment integration.
  • Data Migration
    Improper data resulted in poor inventory management.
  • Single Access
    The client required single access to manage the website.
  • Effective UI
    Poor website UI failed to grab the attention of the potential audience.

Tech Stack

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    Magento Community

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  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos



  • Improved inventory

    The team helped to align and sync the process of inventory and order. This client can now manage bulk inventory conveniently.
  • Digital computation

    Brainvire’s technological experts implemented efficient digital computation. This allowed users to alter currency and make payments as per their geographical location.
  • Data management

    The upgraded and new website enabled improved data management. This also helped in the comprehensive management of orders and inventory.
  • Smooth functionality

    An effective and single backend website triggered smooth processes and functionality.
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